Contact Support

Direct contact

If you have a question or remark, please use the following methods for contacting us:

  • Ask the community on this forum in the Ask for Help section for our Support Team to help you, as well as other NAUTIS Home users that are active here to help you out. We will be monitoring this forum and answering your questions accordingly.

  • LXP/Payment/Subscription issues: Please contact [email protected]

  • Chat on We have a chat option which can be found on the lower right corner.

    NOTE: if you don't see the chat option, please disable the add-blocker in your browser.

  • It is not possible to contact the support desk via phone, fax or by visiting our office.

  • Get information: if you want to want to stay up to date on our progress, please check out our Facebook, Twitter, visit our website our subscribe to our newsletter.