Here you can find more information on the Learning Experience Platform (LXP) and NAUTIS Home such as how to start, a feature overview and where to find the pilot cards.
Do you have any questions? The FAQ section can help you further.
Introduction to NAUTIS Home
NAUTIS Home is our new stand-alone ship simulator built to enable learning by simulation. Whether you are a maritime professional looking to train your skills, an organisation seeking scalable training solutions, or a simulation enthusiast, NAUTIS Home is the solution for you.
The NAUTIS Home simulator comes hand in hand with our new VSTEP Learning Experience Platform (VSTEP LXP).
VSTEP LXP is our new web-based platform which acts as a learning passport for the user. As a user, you can create your personal learning profile, through which you can activate your NAUTIS Home license, download the simulation software as well as find the courseware with theoretical explanations behind the training scenarios in NAUTIS Home.
How to access NAUTIS Home?
Create your personal learning profile on the VSTEP Learning Experience Platform (VSTEP LXP).
From your VSTEP LXP account you can activate your NAUTIS Home license.
Download the NAUTIS Home software from VSTEP LXP and follow the instructions.
Learn how to use NAUTIS Home
To get familiar with the NAUTIS Home simulation software, you can follow the course named "Introduction to NAUTIS Home" on the VSTEP LXP.
That course is a quick guide to explain the menu, controls, instruments, and other features of NAUTIS Home. After this course, you will be able to read a basic chart, radar, conning panel and be able to control the ship.
Start NAUTIS Home along with this introduction so you can apply the theory while following the text.
If you are completely new to ships and sailing, we recommend you start with the "Introduction to ships and sailing" course on VSTEP LXP to get to know the basics.
Do you have any questions regarding the installation, account or technical questions? Visit the FAQ page to find the solution.
Early Access version
NAUTIS Home will continuously be updated with new vessels, environments, courses, and features. The development roadmap will be influenced by what you and the NAUTIS Home community would like to see, feel free to let us know your ideas/feedback/suggestions.
Check out the Product Updates for the newest updates and the high-level plans for NAUTIS Home.
New here? Here you can find more information on NAUTIS Home such as feature overview, how to download the software and where to find the pilot cards. This space is for Admin posting only.
1590 members
Do you not have access to NAUTIS Home yet and want start sailing?
Create your learning profile on the VSTEP LXP, our Learning Experience Platform that goes hand in hand with NAUTIS Home.
On the VSTEP LXP, you can create your learning profile, activate your NAUTIS Home license, download the simulation software and start sailing!